Deductible: This is the amount of money you will pay out before the insurance kicks in. If you have a $500 on your collision coverage - you will pay the first $500 to get you car fixed if you hit someone. Same with comprehensive - which is anything other than collision. These two coverages can have different deductible amounts.
Liability 100/300/100 - while the amounts can be different - they all mean the same thing.
- The first 100 is the amount that the insurance company will pay for personal injury per person.
- The second amount 300 - is the total amount that they will pay for personal injury per accident regardless the number of people injured.
- The third amount 100 - is the toal amount the insurance company will pay out for property damage (other vehicles, buildings, trains, telephone poles, etc)
- 4 door cars are cheaper to insure.
- The higher the deductible the lower the premium.
- Look at the cost of vehicles driven in you neighborhood, base your coverage on that since most accidents occur near home.
- If you have a lot of assets, consider Umbrella coverage. You must have the highest amounts of coverage before the Umbrella policy kicks in. Then they cover up to $1,000.000 and is sold in increments of such.
- The better driving record that you have, the cheaper your insurance will be.
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