I passed my test and thought that I would share some tips for taking test and exams.
First, read the question.
Second, read the question again. This time breaking down each portion of the question. This way you can make sure that you know what is being asked.
Then read each and every answer.
There are basically three types of questions.
1. The simple question - here you are looking the correct answer.
The most corrosive force in the environment is:
a. air
b. fire
c. water
d. humans
The correct answer is C.
2. The multiple question. These usually give you 2 options to choose from I and II. Your answer options will be: a only, b only, both a and b, neither a nor b.
James Madison was known as the father of what founding document?
I. The Declaration of Independence
II. The Constitution of the United States of America
a. I only
b. II only
c. Both I and II.
d. Neither I or II.
The correct answer is b. James Madison was the primary author of the Constitution of the United States of America.
3. Is the EXCEPT question. With this question, you will be looking for the WRONG answer.
All of the following statements about the State of Texas are correct, except:
a. The state bird is the mocking bird
b. The State of Texas was once it's own country
c. The state reptile is the Texas Horned Lizard (horned toad)
d. The state is the largest state within the United States
The correct answer is D because is is incorrect which makes it correct (confusing, I know). Alaska has the largest land mass and California is the most populous.
Another item to look for is answers that don't fit.
1. All of the following were U. S. Presidents except:
a. Franklin Pierce
b. Calvin Coolidge
c. Rush Limbaugh
d. Grover Cleveland
The obvious choice is radio show host Rush Limbaugh. He has never been a President of the U.S.
When reading answers that are lengthy, look out for the following words:
First - Inclusives such as: always, everytime, all
Next - Exclusives such as: Never, none
This will make the answer false 90% of the time. Remember, some things are NEVER allowed such as shooting a public official. In this case, the statement NEVER would be correct.
Another item to watch for is double negatives. This is particular prevelant in the EXCEPT questions. It usually comes in the form of items that may contain exclusions, such as insurance policies:
1. On a Homeonwer's policy will exclude the following perils, EXCEPT:
a. earthquakes
b. flood
c. fire
d. sinkholes
The correct answer is C. Fire is not an excluded peril. Earthquakes are only covered by endorsement (a seperate rider), flood is a seperate policy, and sinkholes are not covered.
The last point I would like to make is to share some advise that I was given many years ago. When going to your testing center of class - use a piece of scrap paper. Number the paper to the number of question that are on the test. Then write A - B - C - D. Eliminate the incorrect answer by x-ing out the incorrect ones. This may leave you with a choice of 2. Choose the correct answer.
Make sure that you will not be penalized for answering incorrectly. CLEP exams will deduct from your score if you answer incorrectly!
Good luck!
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