Thursday, August 11, 2011

Church - More Than Just Worship

Yes I am a Christian.  I do attend church.  I recommend it for more reasons than you may think.  My definition of church includes synagogues, mosques, temples because they all have the same primary purpose - to worship God.

Message - you receive a positive message.  Never underestimate faith.

Socialization - In church it's called fellowship.  It's amazing the people that you will meet.  Most attendees come from different walks of life.  I've met everyone from PhD Psychologist to garbage collectors.  It is the common purpose that brings them to church, but in the end they are able to socialize out of their normal circles.

Networking - With meeting so many different people, you may be surprise to find new sources of information for jobs, projects, and volunteer opportunities.  The last time I went to Mexico, it was to volunteer passing out Christmas presents at an orphanage just across the border from Eagle Pass in Piedras Negras.  I had an wonderful trip with two women that I had never met, one was a teacher, and one was a stay at home mom. 

When I went on a Walk to Emmaus, it was the church that sponsored it, because at the time I could not afford it.

Support - Moral support that often encourages can be the one thing lacking especially if you are in a bad relationship, unemployed, or just down in the dumps.

Often, I find that church is given a bad rap by the media, Hollywierd, and the left.  But the truth is often much different.  If you go to one and don't like it, go to a different one the next week.  There are some churches that I have been to that the congregation only seem to be good Christians on Sunday mornings 9-noon.  There are other churches where it was more of a fashion show - rather than a worship session.

What I have found is I like meeting new people, I like Wednesday fellowship dinners, I like the Singles meetings, I like being part of a group giving back to the community.  And oh, the message isn't bad either.

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